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abandon oneself to The young girl abandoned himself to despair. 
abide by We would abide by his wishes .
abound with This country abounds with oil .
above all John was determined above all to run his own show .
above suspicion Her loyalty is above suspicion to us.
absent from Was she absent from school last week ?
absorbed in She was totally absorbed in show business .
abstain from She eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat .
abundant in Fossil fuels are abundant in the vast continent.
accede to Lisa acceded to all her husband's proposals .
accord with What you say does not accord with the previous evidence .
according to She graded the students according to ability .
accuse sb. of Don't accuse him of lying without any evidence.
accustomed to She is not accustomed to getting up so early .
acquaint sb.with sth. You'll need to acquaint me with the rules of their culture.
act as I'll act as if nothing had happened .
act for I give you full power to act for me .
act on/upon She had always acted on sudden ideas .
adapt to This book is adapted to children .
add on My teacher added on my name to his list
add to This added to our difficulties .
add up Add up the figures in this column .
add up to The three accounts add up to 65,000 dollars .
addicted to He is addicted to smoking .
address oneself to

Right now, I'm only addressing myself to the graduating


adhere to He still adhered to his faith .
adjust to John quickly adjusts to his new position .
admit of This work admits of no delay .
admit to  This key admits to the house .
adverse to The development was adverse to our interests
advise of My lawyer advised me of how to handle my mother's estate.
afraid of Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers .
after all The old methods proved best after all .
against a rainy day We all need some savings against a rainy day
against one's will The attacker forced the woman into his car against her will.
agree on/upon They have agreed on the time and place .
agree to We agreed to meet again in 18 months .
agree with I quite agree with everything she said just now .
aim at She aims at perfection in everything she does .
aim for I did n't mean to hit the cat , i was aiming for the tree .
alive to He was little alive to the dangerous situation .
all alone She is all alone in the house .
all along Margaret's team had played cautious all along .
all at once All at once she lost her temper .
all in all All in all we had a good time .
all of a sudden The telephone started drilling all of a sudden .
all right I hope your friend comes here all right .
all the same Whether they win or lose is all the same to me .
all the time I 've been thinking about this all the time .
all together The audience stood up all together .
allow for We must allow for his youth .
allow of The situation allows of no delay .
along with He has taken along with him two pieces of luggage .
amount to Their expenses amount to fifty dollars .
and the like We talked about music , painting , literature and the like .
and what not He called me fool and what not .
answer back The child would answer back to all she said .
answer for You should answer for what you said .
answer to Who do you answer to in your new job ?
anything but His behavior is anything but satisfactory .
apart from She lives in seclusion apart from her friends .
appeal to I appealed to him for help in finding a job .
apply for He applied for the position of assistant manager .
apply to The money was applied to the payment of debts ...
approve of He doesn't quite approve of me .
apt to We are apt to think ill of others .
argue against They strongly argue against going there next sunday.
argue for She argued for import control .
as a consequence of As a consequence of smoking , my father coughs frequently.
as a matter of fact As a matter of fact i was worked out .
as a result of He lost his job as a result of the dispute .
as a rule As a rule I am home by nine .
as a whole We must consider these matters as a whole .
as follows We may summarize our arguments as follows .
as for As for my subtle friend, she was dead .
as good as Our breakfast was as good as the supper .
as it were I remember it as it were but yesterday .
as regards I have little information as regards his past .
as soon as I'll ask her as soon as she slows down .
as such Wealth , as such , does n't matter much .
as to You must be careful as to what you say or do .
as usual She was thinking carefully, as usual .
as well He is a scientist , but he is a poet as well .
as well as She began to feel angry as well as scared .
as yet It has worked well as yet .
as/so long as Stay so long as you like .
ask for Call room service and ask for some coffee .
at (the) best We can not arrive before friday at best .
at (the) most There were at most twenty people in the classroom .
at a loss I am at a loss what to do next .
at a time Take the pills two at a time .
at a/one word The murderer was shot to death at a word
at all He was of no use at all in the business .
at all costs

We must at all costs prevent them from finding out

about the plan .

at ease He is at ease about the matter .
at first At first i wasn't aware that he was ill .
at first hand I found out my grades on the internet at first hand
at hand Your big moment is at hand .
at intervals The runners started at intervals .
at large "is there wine?" robert jordan asked the table at large .
at last At last i found my car .
at least You could at least have sent a card .
at length He is always ready to talk at length .
at once We must evacuate those soldiers at once !
at ease He is at ease about the matter .
at present At present she holds the position of company manager .
at random Please do n't spit at random .
at sea I am all at sea. I have no idea how to repair cars .
at the beginning We are only at the beginning of a development .
at the mercy of The yacht was at the mercy of the dreadful storm
at the moment I can not think of his name at the moment .
at times I scarcely understand myself at times .
at will You may choose at will .

aware of


He was aware of having an advantage now .
back and forth He rocked back and forth in his chair .
based on/upon It's based on sound thinking .
be about to His new product is about to be published .
be afraid to But most of them were afraid to speak their minds .
be bound to In the long run , prices are bound to rise .
be busy with sth. The place was busy with passengers .
be familiar to These books are familiar to every schoolboy
be familiar with He is familiar with export procedure .
be fond of I am fond of her .
be interested in She is interested in shopping .
be likely to If I don't write it down, I am likely to forget.
be present Mary has a right to ask us to be present .
be up to You must live up to the code of the school .
be used to I am used to getting uearly 
be used to doing Many volunteers are used to doing difficult or important work .
be willing to I am willing to help you.
be/become aware of We became aware of danger approaching us .
bear in mind We must bear in mind these lessons paid for with blood .
become of I do not know what will become of her .
beyond doubt Beyond doubt , the school forbids students to smoke.
blow out The candle was blown out by the wind .
blow up The police station was blown up by terrorists .
bound to In the long run , prices are bound to rise .
break down I can't have you breaking down in health .
break in Please do not break in on our conversation .
break into The man broke into a run when he saw the police .
break off He broke off in the middle of a sentence .
break out A wild and furious war broke out .
break with She did not have the will to break with him .
bring about Sudden chance frequently brings about .
bring out The company is bringing out a new sports car .
bring up This is not the time to bring up that subject .
build up High sugar levels built up in the blood .
burn down The house burnt down in half an hour .
burn for The house burned for hours before the blaze was put out.
burn out I turn on a switch but the light had burnt out.
burn up He was getting burned up about something .
by accident We met together by accident .
by all means Do it , by all means , but keep it secret .
by and by They will be arriving by and by .
by degrees By degrees their friendship grew into love .
by far This is by far the best .
by heart Learn this by heart .
by means of They were able to position the yacht by means of radar .
by nature They are by nature fearful and timid .
by oneself One should take care of this cat by oneself.
by the way By the way , how do you spell your name
by turns We did the work by turns .

by virtue of


He passed the examination by virtue of hard work.
calculate on You can ' t calculate on good weather for the picnic.
call at He calls at every house in the street once a month .
call back He is not in right now . would you call back?
call down Mike was called down by his boss for coming late to work.
call for he problem calls for immediate solution .
call names Let me live without being called names , teacher
call off He called off the previous appointment .
call on Her first move was to call on Mr. Wang .
call the roll The teacher calls the roll every evening.
call to mind I am simply unable to call to mind his name.
call up Johnny, why don't you call up your mother ?
calm down He calmed down in the end .
can but I can but hear .
cancel out The pros and cons cancel out .
cannot but I cannot but admire his courage .
cannot…too(over) You cannot be too strict with him
capable of Our position is capable of improvement .
capitalize on That newspaper capitalizes on sex and crime reports .
care about I really care about you.
carry away He is carried away by his achievements .
carry off One day he carried off a young girl .
carry out That plan would be carried out in 1987 .
carry through John didn't have the strength to carry through .
cash in on Don't try to cash in on me .
cast out You really must cast out all these old papers
catch cold Put on more clothes so you do n't catch cold .
catch fire

She was standing too close to the fireplace and

her dress caught fire .

catch sight of She caught sight of a car in the distance .
catch up with Do not let your fear catch up with you .
certain of I am certain of success .
change hands That house has changed hands three times in five years .
change one’s mind If you change your mind, please let me know.
charge sb. with What's this guy charged with ?
check in Passengers should check in for flight to berlin .
cheer on She shouted herself hoarse cheering on the team .
chime in He kept chiming in with his own opinions .
choke down He choked down his anger.
clear up I hope it clears up this afternoon .
clever at He is clever at cricket .
close down They won't close down for a long time .
come about How did all this come about ?
come from Where do you come from?
come in Old words die, new words come in .
come of Snow indicates the coming of winter .
come to The plane came to a screaming halt .
come true Your dream will come true. 
come what may(might) Come what may , i will try it .
commit oneself to He committed himself to working for peace all through his life.
concentrate on/upon She wanted to concentrate on a single issue .
confide in Nowadays girls seldom confide in their mothers.
consist of New York City consists of five boroughs.
cook up "you're cooking up something, aren't you? "
count on From now on they could count on us.
contrary to This is contrary to actual observation .
cover up I know everything, and it is no use for you to try to cover up .
cross out He crossed out one of the numbers .
cry down Do not cry down her real achievements .
cut off If you do, I'm cutting off .
cut out You can cut out the unimportant details .

cut up


He was badly cut up in the fight .
dam up

The local people dammed up the river to make a lake

for their water supply.

damp down Difficulties and failures did not damp down his enthusiasm.
date from They date from the day on which i was arrested .
dawn on/upon The truth at last dawned on him .
day after day I've noticed you standing on this bridge day after day .
deal in We deal in hardware but not software .
decide against We decided against going for a holiday in Hawaii.
declare against They declared against building a new bridge
declare off I declare off . You ' re not playing the game
dedicate to

They acquire successful companies and are dedicate

to make them even more successful .

deduce from The method was deduced from experiments.
defer to She never defers to her parents' opinions. 
deliberate on/over/upon We have deliberated on your proposal.
delight in She delights in teasing her younger sister.
deliver over/up The money has been delivered over to the accountant.
deny oneself He never denies himself anything. 
depart from They departed at noon. 
depend on/upon I'm depending on you coming. 
deprive of The accident deprived him of life. 
descend from His family descends from the first English immigrants. 
despair of Do not despair of his returning. I think we will see him again.
detrimental to Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health .
die away The noise of the car died away in the distance .
die of A boy in london has died of rabies .
die off The sensation dies off for the time .
differ from Our views differ from yours .
dig in Some children were digging in the sand with wooden spades .
dig out My hand was trembling as i dug out my wallet .
dispense with Let's dispense with formalities!
dispose of He has disposed of the rubbish properly. 
do over they did him over for no reason whatsoever.
do without This is something I can do without. 
drive at What are you driving at? 
drop in I wish they wouldn't drop in on me so often. 

due to


The accident was due to careless driving. 
earn/make a living I tried to earn a living in the fishing industry. 
ease off When will the rain ease off? 
eat in Are we eating in or eating out tonight? 
eat one’s words

Don't brag so much. I guarantee you will eat your words

sooner or later. 

eat out Let's eat out, for I haven't prepared for the meal. 
eat up Eat up the dinner while it is still warm. 
end in The argument ended in tears. 
engage in She was engaged in protecting wild birds. 
enter into They have entered into a contract with a firm. 
equal to He was equal to the difficult situation. 
even as It happened even as he had expected. 
even if I don't mind even if he doesn't come. 
every inch He's every inch a soldier. 
every now and then She comes to visit us every now and then. 
every other You should write on every other line. 
every so often We meet every so often. 
except for I would go to the party with you except for my broken leg. 

exert oneself


He always exerts himself to help others. 
face up to He faced up to his difficulties manfully. 
fail in He's a clever man but fails in perseverance .
fall apart Their marriage finally fell apart. 
fall back on At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails. 
fall behind Don't fall behind with your rent. 
fall for Many people fell for his tricks. 
fall in love He is fall in love with my sister.
fall in with He fell in with bad company. 
fall on/upon Christmas fell on Sunday last year. 
fall short of Your work falls short of my expectations.
fall to
They fell to with a good appetite. 
far from The sun is far from the earth. 
feel like He doesn't feel like taking a walk just now. 
feel sorry for I feel sorry for whoever marries her!
fifty-fifty Let's go fifty-fifty. 
figure out I've never been able to figure him out. 
fill in First, you must fill in an application. 
fill out He has to fill a form out. 
find fault with I have no fault to find with your work. 
find out The truth will find them out. 
first and foremost He does a bit of writing, but first and foremost he's a teacher. 
fish for It is like fishing for a needle in the ocean .
fit in The house is not big , but it fits in with our needs .
fix on/upon Have you fixed on the date? 
for a rainy day You should put a little money aside for a rainy day .
for a time She wandered for a time through the grass .
for all/that I might as well be dead for all he cares .
for example/for instance/such as She does not like anything red. For example, red hat.
for fear  fear for her safety in this weather. 
for good This license is good for one year. 
for my part For my part, I don't mind where we eat. 
for one thing For one thing, he drinks: for another, he likes gambling. 
for sale This car is for sale.
for sure I know this answer for sure.
for the sake of He gave up smoking for the sake of health. 
for the time being

We are living in a hotel for the time being, but we will

try to find a small apartment. 

from beginning to end I've read the book from beginning to end.

from time to time


He went fishing from time to time. 
gather up she had gathered her hair up into a bun.
gaze at/upon For hours he sat gazing at the stars. 
gear up The company's gearing up for the big export drive. 
generally speaking Generally speaking, I think you're right. 
get across He is not good at getting his idea across. 
get ahead I've got ahead with my work. 
get along We can get along without your help. 
get along with Do you get along with your boss? 
get around /round she gets around a lot.
get away I was too busy to get away. 
get back When did you get back? 
get behind The boy got badly behind in schoolwork. 
get down to It's time I got down to some serious work. 
get in I had no key and couldn't get in. 
get in touch with I shall get in touch with him tomorrow .
get off We got off immediately after daybreak.
get off the ground The plan never get off the ground
get on How are you getting on these days? 
get on with She's never really got on with her sister. 
get out of He got out of the bad habit. 
get over She can't get over her shyness. 
get rid of He can't get rid of the cold.
get through It took us only four minutes to get through the customs. 
get to He got to thinking that she wouldn't come after all. 
get up What time does he get up? 
get used to I just can't get used to this cold weather. 
give and take

If the dispute is to be resolved there must be some give

and take. 

give away She gave away all her money to the poor. 
give in He would rather die than give in. 
give up He gave up his seat to an old man. 
go against She went against her father. 
go along with I can't go along with you on that point. 
go around There are a lot of colds going around. 
go off The balloon went off with a crack. 
go on She doesn't go on till Act 2. 
go out Flared trousers went out years ago. 
go with He goes with the girl every week. 
go without He went without food for a week. 

grow out of


My son grew out of his clothes. 
had better Mary had better lose some weight. 
hand in I still have some money in hand. 
hand on They have a large supply of goods on hand. 
hand out The teacher handed the new books out to his students. 
hand over The offender was handed over to the police. 
hang about/around/round He did not like to hang about all day doing nothing. 
hang up The operator told me to hang up and dial again. 
hard of hearing Please don't shout. I'm not hard of hearing. 
have a good time We hope you'll have a good time at the party. 
have got to I have got to go to work by bus tomorrow .
have on The boy had nothing on. 
have one's hands full He always has his hands full on such occasions. 
have one's own way You can't have your own way in everything.
have time off Do you have time off in the weekends?
have to do with

What do you want to see me about? It has to do with that

letter you sent me. 

hear from How often do you hear from your sister? 
hear of She disappeared and was never heard of again. 
heart and soul He is so heart and soul with us. 
help out My father helped me out when I lost my job. 
here and there A few tables and chairs were scattered here and there .
hold back He was held back from further promotion.
hold on Hold it on, please. 
hold still Hold yourself still for a moment while I examine your eyes. 

hold up


Thick fog held up a number of trains. 
in a hurry She dressed in a hurry. 
in a manner She blames me, and in a manner, she's right. 
in a row This is the third Sunday in a row that it's rained. 
in a word In a word, the prospects are bright. 
in according with They live in perfect accord with each other. 
in addition

Dr. York is a professor of art. In addition, he is a television


in addition to

In addition to those subjects, they also taught history

and geography. 

in agreement with I am quite in agreement with what you say.
in any case/event

In any case you must get here by five o'clock tomorrow


in case In case I am prevented from coming, please excuse me. 
in charge of Mr. Lee is chage of acccounting department.
in common They have a lot in common. 
in consequence

He got thoroughly wet and, in consequence, he took

a bad cold. 

in contrast to In contrast to his brothers, Tom is rather short. 
in debt She is in debt right now.
in favor of The evidence is in favor of the defendant. 
in force The new safety regulations are now in force. 
in general In general, your plan is good. 
in honor of Ancient Greeks built many temples in honor of their gods. 
in one's way I hope I am not in your way. 
in regard to I have nothing to say in regard to your complaints. 
in response to In response to my shouts people ran to help. 
in return I hope I can be of some service to you in return. 
in the long run It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality. 
in time If you keep on, you will succeed in time.
in vain Our efforts were not in vain. 
inside out Turn the blouse inside out before drying it. 
insist on/upon They insisted on my staying there for supper. 

involve in


He was deeply involved in his work. 

just the same


These two pictures are just the same. 
keep abreast of We must keep abreast of times. 
keep after My wife kept after me to buy a new car.
keep an eye on Could you keep an eye on my luggage for a moment? 
keep at a distance

They were kept at a distance where we can ' t touch them

but see and hear them well.

keep back They all ran forward, but I kept back.
keep from I don't want to keep you from your work. 
keep in mind You have to be home by eleven o'clock. Keep that in mind. 
keep in touch with I am trying to keep in touch with my old friends. 
keep off They lit a fire to keep wild animals off.
keep on He kept on talking. 
keep one's fingers crossed Keep your fingers crossed while I take the test.
keep track of He kept track of every cent he spent. 
keep up with We tried to keep up with old friends far away. 
kick off Well, I really must kick off now. 

know by sight


I know her only by sight. 
labor under

They labored under the disadvantage of not having

enough money. 

lack of Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health .
lag behind Be modest , otherwise you will lag behind .
laugh off All these reports were laughed off as nonsense. 
lay aside I lay aside one hour a day for reading aloud. 
lay off

One of the leading works in the district has been laid off

because of the strike. 

lay oneself out I had to lay out a fortune on that car .
leaf through leaf idly through a magazine while waiting.
leave out He left his bicycle out at night. 
let go Let the rope go. 
lie down I wish I could lie down for a while. 
little by little Little by little the flood water receded. 
live through He has lived through two world wars. 
live up to Everyone ought to live up to what he knows to be right. 
long for The children are longing for the holidays. 
look after He will look after my dog.
look down upon If you don't fulfil the obligation people will look down upon you. 
look for I'm looking for my dictionary. Do you know where it is? 
look forward to I have been looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you. 
look into The government will look into how to reduce unemployment. 
look out Look out! There is a train coming. 
look over My grandmother often looks over her spectacles. 
look up If you don't know a word, you can look it up in a dictionary. 
lose contact with I ' ve lose contact with most of my school friends

lose heart


John studies very hard and never loses heart in face of difficulties. 
major in What do you major in? 
make a fool of "don't make a fool of yourself, max," he said .
make an example of

The teacher made an example of the boy who copied

from another student during a test

make clear He made clear that he wholly disapproved of the plan .
make for His self-criticism was not made for show .
make friends It is difficult to make friends with her .
make fun of It is cruel to make fun of people who stammer .
make good We will make good use of her talents .
make good time We made good time this morning. 
make little/light of He made little of all troubles. 
make no difference It makes no difference to me whether you go or not. 
make out I can't make out his handwriting. 
make room for Would you kindly make room for the old lady? 
make sense She doesn't talk much, but what she says makes sense. 
make sure Please make sure to close the door.
make the best of You should make the best of this valuable opportunity. 
make up for Her beauty can't make up for her stupidity. 
make up one's mind Please let me know if you make up your mind.
make use of

Solar energy will be an important source of energy which

we can make use of in future. 

matter of fact Her reply was matter-of-fact. 
may as well You may as well go .
meet with The plan seems to meet with their ideas. 
miss out If I don't go to the party, I shall feel I'm missing out. 
mix up The office mixed up our flight tickets and gave you mine. 

more or less


She is more or less mentally unbalanced. 
name after Our eldest son was named Jack after his grandfather. 
neither...nor We had neither money nor food. 
never mind I'm terribly sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. Never mind. 
next to My house is next to the store. 
no doubt

He meant to help, no doubt, but in fact he has been

a hindrance. 

no less than There are no less than 20 computers in the room. 
no matter

Nobody is supposed to break the discipline no matter

who he is. 

no sooner than

He had no sooner arrived than he was asked to leave


not at al Sorry to bother you. Not at all.
nothing but

Don't worry for my illness: what I need is nothing

but a few days of rest. 

now and then Now and then he goes with us to the movies on Saturday. 

now that


Now that you have come, you may as well stay for a few days.
object to

All the local farmers objected to the new airport being

built on the fertile fields. 

obliged to We are very much obliged to you for your help. 
off and on I have studied music on and off for about twenty years. 
off duty

Sailors like to go sight-seeing when they are off duty

in a foreign port. 

on a large scale

The work of reform carried out in our country was on a large


on account of On account of holiday our store will be closed tomorrow. 
on approval Mr grey bought his camera on approval
on average On average we receive five letters each day. 
on behalf of Do not think you are speaking on behalf of everyone .
on business He informed his staff that he was going to Europe on business. 
on commission This means you will work on commission
on condition that

I'll lend you the money on condition that you pay it back

in three months. 

on edge

He is very nervous and the least excitement puts him all

on edge.

on end It snowed heavily for three days on end. 
on impulse

On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang my sister

in Australia. 

on no account My name must on no account be mentioned to anyone. 
on one's own Ever since her father's death, Mary had been on her own. 
on purpose She broke the dish on purpose just to show her anger. 
on schedule

Summer rain came almost on schedule as the crops

needed them. 

on second thoughts

But on second thoughts I made up my mind to travel without

too much cash. 

on the alert Campers must be on the alert for poison ivy and poison oak.
on the contrary

We thought it would be bad weather, but on the contrary

it was a clear day. 

on the ground of He was dismissed on the grounds of negligence. 
on the other hand

Father and Mother wanted to go to the park for a picnic:

the children, on the other hand, wanted to stay home and

watched television. 

on the spot He was caught on the spot.
on the whole Our opinions are on the whole the same. 
on time Mary is always on time for an appointment. 
once and for all We shall settle the problem once and for all. 
once in a while They go out together once in a while but not very often. 
only too I shall be only too pleased to get home. 
other than There's nobody here other than me. 
out of

He refused to shake hands and walked out of the room

without a word.

out of date Much of the information in that book is now out of date. 
out of order Our refrigerator is out of order. 
out of the question We can't go in this weather, it's out of the question. 

over and over/again


He makes the same mistake over and over again.
part from We must part from you now. 
pass away His father passed away last week.
pass by A bus has just passed by. 
pass out

She went back to work while she was still sick, and finally

she just passed out. 

pay attention Pay attention to me when I'm talking to you! 
pay for It's Jerry's error, and he'll pay for the consequence.
persist in

Despite hardships, she persisted in her efforts to get a

college education. 

pick out Have you picked out the movie you want to see? 
pick up I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock. 
play trick on Give us a treat,or we'll play a trick on you.
pleased with  I hope you were pleased with the book I sent you. 
plenty of There was always plenty of boiled water in the bottle. 
point of view This is unacceptable from my point of view. 
point out Point out the flowers you would like me to cut for you. 
prefer...to I prefer red tea to soybean milk.
prevent from These rules could prevent from the accident happens
proud of  I'm proud of being a member of this class.
provide with The car was provided with GPS equipment. 
provided that I will eat, provided that you eat too. 
put away Put away tea things in the cupboard. 
put into practice We should put our plan into practice. 
put off We put off from the quay. 
put on Please put on your coat. 
put on weight I was twelve, and starting to put on weight and grow taller. 
put out He put out the light and went out. 
put together It's easier to take a machine apart than to put it together again.
put up They are putting up several new houses on our street. 

put up with


If she could put up with the conditions there, we could take her. 
queue up Dozens of people were queueing up to get tickets. 

quite a few


We still have quite a few more miles to go before we reach

New York. 

rain or shine The old man takes a walk every afternoon, rain or shine. 
rain out The game was rained out. 
read between the lines

Mary isn't very good at reading between the lines. You

have to tell her exactly what you want.

reckon with

When the fight is over, we'll reckon with the enemy's


remind of

The story you have just told reminds me of an experience

I once had. 

result from is failure resulted from not working hard enough. 
right away Now we must be off right away. It's eight already.
right now Do it right now. 
ring in The ten o'clock bell is going to ring in two minutes .
rise in the world She had no ideas of rising in the world .
roll out The steel rolled out in plates .
round off Take a piece of sandpaper and round off the edges of the frame. 
rub along She was able to rub along by giving English lessons. 
rule out That idea can be completely ruled out. 
run for A friend of mine is running for office .
run into I just happened to run into him at the bank. 
run out of We have run out of time, and so we must end the meeting. 
run over The train ran over the bus, killing nine people. 

run through


He soon ran through all his father's money. 
sail in It is fine sport to sail in a boat .
save one's breath You can save your breath: you'll never persuade her. 
say nothing of He had to go to prison for a month , to say nothing of the fine .
second to none He is second to none. 
see about He promised to see about the matter. 
see into I'll see into the matter myself.
see off We all went to the airport to see her off. 
send for The following morning he sent for Philip. 
serve as The red flag serves as a reminder .
set fire to His irresistible impulse to set fire to shoe shop.
settle for

He demanded a hundred dollars but had to settle for half

that amount. 

share in Six people shared in the inheritance. 
shoulder to shoulder We can win the fight if we all stand shoulder to shoulder. 
show off The gown showed off her lovely figure .
shut off I haven't had a bath for days -- they have shut off hot water. 
shut up The dog bites. It should be shut up. 
sit in The students entered the president's office and sat in all night. 
sit up The nurse sat up with her patient all night. 
slip of the tongue/lip

 I called her new boyfriend by her previous boyfriend's name -

it was just a slip of the tongue. 

smell of A smell of rotten eggs wafted in .
smile on The council did not smile on our plan. 
smooth down Things are smoothing down a bit .
sneer at He is always sneering at my suggestions .
snow under The little bushes were snowed under and could not be seen. 
so as to The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating. 
so far So far he has done very well at school. 
so much as She did not so much as raise an eyebrow .
so that 3.Tell me her address so that i can find her .
so...that… John is so good a boy that I like him. 
something like The building looked something like a church. 
sort out I'll soon sort him out. Just let me get my hands on him! 
sound off

Please don't raise that topic: you'll start George sounding off

his proud theories. 

speak of The book speaks of the writer's childhood. 
speak well of Everyone that knows him speaks well of him. 
stand by John stood by his oath to his father .
stand on one's own feet

My uncle offered to help me, but I told him I would rather

stand on my own feet. 

stand to reason It stands to reason that L.A. will soon have a major earthquake. 
stand up We stand up when the National Anthem is played. 
steal sb.'s thunder

John announced the news before Peter had a chance,

stealing his thunder.

stick in sb.'s throat It sticks in his throat to have to take any order from his boss. 

such as


Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare. 
tag along The little boy tagged along with his sister wherever she went. 
tail away The actor's voice tailed away as he forgot his lines. 
take a back seat After five years as a director , she won ' t take a back seat now.
take a hand in Students themselves took a hand in this activity .
take a look at Take a look at yourself in the mirror!
take advantage of Jean took advantage of the lunch hour to finish her homework. 
take after He takes after his father in mathematical ability.
take apart He took the lawn mower apart, but failed to locate the trouble. 
take by surprise She was so taken by surprise at his rudeness that she burst into tears. 
take care of While we were on holiday a neighbor took care of our dog. 
take charge of

John told me that he wanted me to take complete charge of

the land battle. 

take for Don't take him for a fool, he is anything but that. 
take for a ride Please take me for a ride in your new car.
take for granted He never praises his wife: he just takes her for granted. 
take hold of The boy took hold of the ladder, and began to climb. 
take into account

How much time will we need to get to the lake? You

have to take the bad road into account. 

take it easy Take it easy. We'll take care of everything. 
take off The pilot took off smoothly. 
take one's time You certainly took your time getting here! 
take pains

She took great pains to prevent her work from spoiling

her hands. 

take part in

The Union decided to warn all their shop stewards not to

take part in unofficial strikes. 

take pity on He took pity on her and lent her the $50 she needed. 
take place The accident took place only a block from his home. 
take turns Mary and Helen took turns sitting up with their sick mother. 
take up When he left school he took up journalism. 
take up with He had something to take up with the president .
talk big He usually talks big, probably to cover up his sense of inferiority. 
talk out of

Once he has set his mind on a course of action he is not to

be talked out of it

talk over

We would like to talk it over with you before you make the


tear down

The city will tear down these buildings to make room for the

new highway. 

tear up The dogs tore up the newspaper into shreds. 
tell apart

The two brothers are very much alike. You literally can't

tell them apart. 

tell time When do children learn to tell (the) time? 
the same as I'll do the same as you. 
think of Don't you think too meanly of yourself. 
think over He said he would think the matter over. 
throw away

Don't throw your bus ticket away. The inspector may want to

see it. 

tired out Mary was tired out by her baby's persistent cry. 
to and fro She was gazing out the window, rocking rhythmically to and fro. 
to the point His remarks were very much to the point 
try on

Several pairs of shoes were tried on, but none of them were


try out

The scientists tried out thousands of chemicals before they found

the kind they needed. 

turn around Turn around ! you 're going the wrong way .
turn down She turned down my offer.
turn off Turn off the light before you leave. 
turn on He sat down at the wheel of his car and turned on the ignition. 

turn out


They turn out more than a thousand cars a month. 
under age You shouldn't sell cigarettes to teenagers who are under age. 
under color of

She had led a wandering life both in england and scotland,

sometimes under color of telling fortunes .

under control The fire is under control now.
under sb.'s nose/under the nose of

The thief walked out of the museum with the painting,

right under the nose of the guards.

under the sun Where under the sun could I have put my purse? 
up and about He was laid up for nearly a month, but he is up and about now. 
up to date That car is a beauty and quite up to date. 
up to the elbows

She was up to the elbows in preparing dinner when the

doorbell rang. 

ups and downs He stuck by her through all life's ups and downs. 
upside down

The boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the

book upside down. 

used to


I used to go to the movies often. Did you use to? 
visit with  This afternoon we're going to visit a friend in hospital. 

vote down


This proposal has been voted down .
wait on She looked around for a salesman to wait on her. 
wake up I woke up at 6 this morning.
wake up to We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
walk over She walked over the road and looked in the window. 
watch out for I advised them to watch out for slick spots on the sidewalk. 
watch over

They use specially trained dogs to watch over their

sheep at night. 

wear out Children's clothes wear out very quickly. 
well off

Only by continuously increasing social accumulation

can a country

and her citizens be well off. 

what if What if it rains when we can't get under shelter? 
white lie She threw the lie in his face, though it is a white lie. 
with abandon

The boys jumped up and down and waved their arms

with abandon.

with all one's heart I hope with all my heart that you succeed. 
with an eye to We should make the plan with an eye to the future. 
with reference to I am writing with reference to your last letter. 
work out How will things work out? 
worm out She wormed out of difficulties.
worthy of That thought is worthy of investigation .
would rather They would rather try it again. 
write home about This is certainly something to write home about

write off 


I write off this loss.
year after year

Tens of thousands of men, year after year, have travelled

southwards to find work. 

yield to After a fierce fight, the enemy yielded to us. 
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